Color Palette Ideas
All of the designs on this page can be found in the Reference Designs Figma File. Feel free to make a copy and use however you wish. This resource is open source without any limitations.
The following is a list of sample color palettes. They are provided mostly as starting points, guidance and ideas. You are encouraged to modify them as needed to fit your branding.
Chill Green (Dark)

#FFFFFF \\ Text
#FFFFFF \\ Titles
#D2F97E \\ Primary
#383838 \\ Secondary
#FFFFFF \\ Tetriary
#252525 \\ Borders
#1E1E1E \\ Card
#111111 \\ Background
Modern Dark

#FFFFFF \\ Text
#FFFFFF \\ Titles
#9E7EF9 \\ Primary
#383838 \\ Secondary
#FFFFFF \\ Tetriary
#222222 \\ Borders
#111111 \\ Card
#000000 \\ Background
Purple Breeze (Light Mode)

#535465 \\ Text
#11142D \\ Titles
#6C5DD3 \\ Primary
#1B1D21 \\ Secondary
#B8DCE9 \\ Tetriary
#E4E4E4 \\ Borders
#FFFFFF \\ Card
#F6F6F8 \\ Background
Neutral Calm (Light)

#1A1D1F \\ Text
#1C1D1F \\ Titles
#1B67F8 \\ Primary
#6F767E \\ Secondary
#FFA570 \\ Tetriary
#F0F0F0 \\ Borders
#FFFFFF \\ Card
#F4F4F4 \\ Background
Smokey Blue (Dark)

#1A1D1F \\ Text
#1C1D1F \\ Titles
#6296F9 \\ Primary
#353A3E \\ Secondary
#F5BF9F \\ Tetriary
#2A2B30 \\ Borders
#1A1D1F \\ Card
#111315 \\ Background
#6F767E \\ Muted Text
Midnight Mojito (Dark)

#FFFFFF \\ Text
#FFFFFF \\ Titles
#ABFF84 \\ Primary
#475569 \\ Secondary
#B384FF \\ Tetriary
#25334A \\ Borders
#1E293B \\ Card
#0F172A \\ Background
#64748B \\ Muted Text
Sand Dune (Light)

#000000 \\ Text
#000000 \\ Titles
#FA5733 \\ Primary
#54535D \\ Secondary
#726464 \\ Tetriary
#DEDEE2 \\ Borders
#FFFFFF \\ Card
#F8F7F4 \\ Background
#757480 \\ Muted Text